Contact Gerrid Kendrix
I am available for questions either by email or phone. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can help in some way:
Phone: 580.471.8676
If you have an inquiry or need assistance that is best handled through official constituent services, please contact me at my office at the state capitol:
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 347
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Or call my capitol office directly at: (405) 557-7369
I encourage you to vote on November 5, 2024, and in every election. If you have an underlying health condition or other factor that limits your ability to exercise one of our great American rights, the Oklahoma State Election Board has created an online voter portal where you can update your voter information or request absentee voting ballots to be mailed to you directly.
You can access this portal by visiting:
I am honored to serve you as your State Representative.